Women's Legal Landmarks

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A selection of images from the women's legal landmarks

Art work for podcastOut Now!… Not for Want of Trying

A brand new legal history podcast that uncovers key events in women’s legal history during the Interwar years.

Join Erika Rackley and Sharon Thompson as they talk to leading experts about key legal landmarks for women and why they still matter today. Listen to our trailer.

Episode 1: Women Lawyers and Lavatories - Always a Feminist Issue?

Are women's toilets a feminist issue? In this episode, we speak to Eduardo Reyes, commissioning and features editor at the Law Society Gazette, about the Law Society's installation of women’s lavatories in 1923. We discuss what this tells us about how institutions responded to early women solicitors, and the importance of male allies in feminist campaigning. Click on the image below to listen to the podcast.